Privacy Policy


Information on the processing of personal data

(section 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016)

1. Why is it important to read this privacy policy?

This page contains information on the processing of your personal data that WALTHERPARK S.p.A. – VAT ID 02814650210 (hereinafter also “Waltherpark”) collects when you visit our website.

In relation to some specific services, such as a request for information by filling in the online form with your personal data, a specific information on data processing is provided.

All data collected is processed in accordance with EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (hereinafter also “GDPR”).

2. Who collects your personal data?

Your personal data is collected by Waltherpark, which is the “Data Controller” according to the GDPR. The contact details of Waltherpark are as follows:

WaltherPark A.G -S.p.A., Tax Code and VAT ID no. 02814650210, 39100 Bolzano, Piazza Walther von der Vogelweide no. 22, telephone no. 0471-1838990, e-mail

3. What categories of personal data are processed?

When you visit our website, the following categories of personal data are collected and processed:

3.1. Navigation data

The website provider automatically collects and stores the following information: browser type and version, operating system used, referrer URL, host name of the accessing computer, time of the request to the server and IP address; this data is stored in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits. The data collected serves to ensure a smooth functioning of our website and the monitoring of its security and stability.

 3.2 Data provided by users

WaltherPark collects and stores your personal details and contact information (e.g. name, surname, tax ID, telephone number, e-mail and address) only if you decide to provide them in order to access certain services; for example, to receive information by filling in the request form on the site, or to keep up to date with commercial offers, to receive newsletters or other communications. There is no obligation to provide WaltherPark with this data.

If you decide to provide this data, WaltherPark will only use it to respond to your requests, in compliance with the GDPR. Please note that for certain services, WaltherPark will provide specific information on data processing.

4. Why may Waltherpark collect my data? What purpose does it use them for?

The reasons why the Data Controller is entitled to use your personal data are referred to by the GDPR as “legal bases of processing”.

The purposes of the processing are referred to as “purposes of processing”.

4.1.  Navigation data

WaltherPark collects your navigation data on the basis of section 6.1 (f) of GDPR. This section sets forth that the Data Controller (i.e. WaltherPark) may collect and process personal data for the pursuit of permitted interests or purposes that, in this specific case, correspond to the analysis and monitoring of the website, the advertising of its services and for the purpose of meeting the reasonable expectations of users who visit the site to obtain all the information they are looking for, to contact WaltherPark and to find out about the services it offers and the business activity it carries out.

4.2. Data provided by users

Waltherpark has the right to collect and process your personal data, your contact details and all other data that you provide in order to access the services requested, for example, to receive information, to stay updated on commercial offers, to receive newsletters or other communications (marketing purposes) only upon your request and, in the case of marketing, newsletter and profiling purposes (see also section 4.3 below), only if you have provided your free and express consent, as provided for by section 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.

Your consent to data processing for marketing, newsletter and profiling purposes is not mandatory. If you decide not to provide it, there will be no consequences other than not receiving commercial offers and other communications regarding the services, products and activities of WaltherPark.

4.3 Data provided by users for profiling purposes.

Waltherpark processes your data for profiling purposes only upon your specific consent. Profiling is the processing of personal data, such as your economic situation, professional performance or certain personal preferences, in order to create a consumer profile that can be used for marketing purposes, such as sending you personalised offers.

4.4. Processing of data collected for legal obligations and legitimate interests

In addition to the cases of processing based on legitimate interest described in section 4.1 above, and the processing based on your consent described in section 4.2 above, WaltherPark may process your data for legal obligations, or in other specific cases of legitimate interest provided for by the GDPR, namely: to establish and defend a right in judicial or extra-judicial proceedings, or to ensure the security, availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of data transmitted through information networks.

If the above conditions are met, the data processing is compulsory, or in any case legitimate.

5. To whom is your personal data collected by WaltherPark passed?

Your personal data collected by WaltherPark will only be communicated to third parties, if necessary, for the purposes or methods of processing, for legal obligations, or to comply with your specific request in compliance with the GDPR.

In these cases, WaltherPark may pass your personal data to:

IT service providers and companies in charge of supporting our internal IT infrastructure, including, in particular, the company SIGNA Informationstechnologie;

to professional advertising, marketing and mailing agencies, in connection with commercial initiatives related to the products and services offered by WaltherPark only upon your explicit consent;

to the following companies of the group to which WaltherPark belongs: Vivavirgolo S.r.l. S.p.A., Living Gries S.r.l., Signa Rem Italia S.r.l., BZ.Immo S.r.l., Bauer S.r.l., ABD Holding S.r.l., ABD Airport S.p.A. for marketing purposes only upon your explicit consent;

bodies and authorities responsible for protecting the rights of the Data Controller or third parties; consultants and employees;

consultants and professionals appointed by WaltherPark for performing economic and business activities, for accounting, technical, legal, insurance and administrative assistance;

consultants and professionals in relationship with WaltherPark in order to offer products and services requested by the client/user, such as real estate consultants, agents and agencies for the sale of real estate;

However, only the category of recipients is indicated because it is subject to continuous updating. However, you may always refer to WaltherPark (at the addresses indicated in point 1) for an updated and complete list of the recipients of the data processed.

WaltherPark does not pass your personal data to a foreign country that does not guarantee the same data protection rules and conditions as those set out in the GDPR and has no intention of doing so.

6. How long is your personal data stored by WaltherPark?

Personal data will be stored for the time strictly necessary for the pursuit of the specific purposes of the processing, and in particular:

for navigation data: for the time necessary to carry out the defined services, except for any assessments of computer crimes against the website;

for data provided by the user for marketing purposes: for 24 months from the moment the user has given his/her consent to the data processing;

for other data provided by the user: for the time necessary to carry out the services requested or respond to the requests made;  further details on data storage with regard to the individual service or request made will be provided in the specific policies;

for the purposes or legal obligations: for as long as required by the applicable regulations (e.g., 10 years pursuant to section 2946 of the Italian Civil Code);

for the indicated purposes of IT security: for 120 months from the collection of the data, except for possible extensions deriving from judicial authority findings or investigations in progress.

7. Which rights do you have regarding the processing of personal data?

In relation to the processing of your personal data by WaltherPark, the following rights are guaranteed, which the GDPR defines as “Rights of the Data Subject”:

the right to ask the Data Controller for access to the personal data it stores;

the right to rectification and erasure of personal data or the right to restriction of processing;

the right to object to data processing;

the right to data portability, i.e., the right to receive from the Controller in a commonly used and machine-readable format the personal data concerning him/her, as provided for by section 20 of the GDPR;

the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, which in Italy corresponds to the Italian Data Protection Authority (;

Moreover, when processing is based on consent, the data subject always has the right to freely withdraw it; in this case, processing carried out on the basis of consent given before the withdrawal remains legitimate. The same applies to the processing of the special categories of data provided for in section 9(1)(f) GDPR.

In order to exercise these rights, or to ask for information on the matter, please address your request to WaltherPark to the above address (section 1 of this information sheet), preferably including the word PRIVACY in the subject line of the request.

The rights of the interested party are regulated by the GDPR in section 15 and following.

8. Update and modification of this privacy policy information

This policy may change over time for various reasons, for example, due to the entry into force of new laws or technical updates. Hence, please periodically check the website for any changes.

The controller (WaltherPark A.G -S.p.A., Italy) would like to use the following services in order to process your personal data. Technologies such as cookies, localStorage, etc. can be used for personalization. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact with you more closely. Please select, if appropriate, the following options: